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This page is an archive of information concerning the attempt put Stonehenge back into a more "natural" setting. It was compiled during the event and so some sections will have a current tense even though they are now history.

There can be few pagans in the UK who are not interested in what happens at Stonehenge. This great monument to the building prowess of our ancestors has in many ways come to represent a focus point for all those of alternative beliefs and lifestyles. We look at Stonehenge with awe and wonder. We meditate on its chequered history and its ability to survive all that has taken place around it. As though a monument to time itself, Stonehenge stands proud upon the rolling downland reminding us of our mortality.

Now the circumstances of Stonehenge have turned full circle. For many years there have been plans and discussions aimed at returning Stonehenge to a more natural environment. Methods to protect the stones from the destruction cause by the constant stream of visitors and the attack of atmospheric pollution have been under constant review.  For better or worse the decision has now been made on the best way to achieve this end.

The Stonehenge Project has been devised by English Heritage, The National Trust and The Highways Agency and is intended to rescue our greatest monument and reunite it with the landscape.

As part of the plan to dualise the A303 from Andover to Ilminster a dual carriageway tunnel is to be constructed taking the busy A303 underground for a length of 2.1km completely removing it from the visible environment around Stonehenge. The A344 which currently runs right by the monument will be closed and removed forever and a new Visitors Centre will be built at nearby Countess East. These measures are expected to remove the traffic congestion and significantly reduce the noise and air pollution in the area.

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Subject to planning procedures and a public enquiry work is scheduled to start in 2005. Taking approximately three years to complete the project is intended to see Stonehenge and its surrounding environment returned to a “natural” downland moor.  Stonehenge Map key.jpg (18585 bytes)

A Countryside Stewardship Special Project has also been set up. Launched in October 2002 by DEFRA the reward scheme encourages local landowners around both the Stonehenge and Avebury monuments to practise conservation and protection of the environment rather than intensive farming. By encouraging the planting of more sympathetic crops and maintaining and promoting natural habitats the flora and fauna of the area will increase and diversify thereby restoring the land to a more natural existence. 

Several landowners around Stonehenge have already signed up for the scheme. 

The National Trust has bought the tract of land containing the Lesser Cursus. The setting up of permissive footpaths across this and Greenlands Farm will allow a pedestrianised access to the monument from the western side.

Not all are happy with the decision. National Trust and English Heritage are naturally pleased that their plan is to proceed but it has been reported that other groups such as the Pagan Federation are against the proposal. The Pagan Federation list themselves amongst the “Stonehenge Alliance” whose other supporters include: Ancient Sacred Landscapes Network, The Council for the Protection of Rural England, Friends of the Earth, RESCUE: The British Archaeological Trust and Transport 2000.

Latest News

Stonehenge button.jpg (12317 bytes) New Visitors Centre given the go ahead.

Stonehenge button.jpg (12317 bytes) Plans for Tunnel scrapped

Stonehenge button.jpg (12317 bytes) March 2007. Planning approval for Visitors Centre granted. Ruth Kelly sets conditions in letter to English Heritage

Stonehenge button.jpg (12317 bytes) Summary of Proof of Evidence. Salisbury Planning to Public Enquiry re. Visitors Centre.

Stonehenge button.jpg (12317 bytes) Letter advising of decision by Secretary of State re. Visitors Centre

Stonehenge button.jpg (12317 bytes) Details of the proposals for Stonehenge published by the Highways Agency, Feb 2006

Stonehenge button.jpg (12317 bytes) King Arthur throws down Gauntlet in challenge to Government.

Stonehenge button.jpg (12317 bytes) English Heritage. 15th Sept. 2004 Planning application for new Visitor Centre and transportation system submitted to Salisbury District Council
Stonehenge button.jpg (12317 bytes) English Heritage. Explore Stonehenge and its Landscape. Interactive Map

Stonehenge button.jpg (12317 bytes) Press Release from English Heritage announces Stonehenge Virtual Tour.

Stonehenge button.jpg (12317 bytes) Up to date information about the Inquiry can be found here at the Planning Inspectorate.

Stonehenge button.jpg (12317 bytes) Final Statement of Case submitted to Public Enquiry

Stonehenge button.jpg (12317 bytes) Proposed Timetable

Stonehenge button.jpg (12317 bytes) PUBLIC ENQUIRY ANNOUNCED BY HIGHWAYS AGENCY FOR 17th FEB 2004

Stonehenge button.jpg (12317 bytes) What the Pagan Federation says Comments by the Pagan Federation Sacred Site Officer

Stonehenge button.jpg (12317 bytes) A wiccan eco-warriors view Artemis Arrowsmith gives her view on the Stonehenge Project

Stonehenge button.jpg (12317 bytes) Kira's response How one Twisted Tree reader responded to the proposals


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Dave @ Twisted Tree

Stonehenge button.jpg (12317 bytes) Links to sites with more information both official and unofficial concerning the Stonehenge Project

Stonehenge button.jpg (12317 bytes) Did you know ? A few interesting facts about Stonehenge.

Stonehenge button.jpg (12317 bytes) Folklore of Stonehenge (revised Feb 2004)



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